What are the shipping costs?
The shipping costs for the order are for our own account.
Is there a minimum value for free shipping?
All our products are delivered to you 100% free of charge: no minimum order
value is required.
What is the return policy?
When the product is outside the door, you have 30 days to change the tank and
return the product. When the returned product is received by us, the full amount
will be in your account within 14 days.
When can I expect my order?
Due to the virus, we have a delivery time of about 1-3 weeks. Our products are
sent directly from the supplier to you. Due to this unique business model, we can
save enormously on storage and transportation costs and we can offer the
products at a lower price than our competitors. This way we can take care of the
shipping costs for our own account.
If you have other questions about ordering and shipping, please contact us:
[store email]